08:30~09:00 Speakers and VIP Tea Meeting
09:00~09:30 Welcome Remarks
Lewis Patterson, Director of Latitude Inc.
Congratulatory Remarks
· Kim Myung-Ja, Chairperson of the Korean Business Council on Sustainable Development (KBCSD), Minister of Environment (1999-2003), President elect of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies.
· Clare Patricia Fearnley, New Zealand Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
· Kim Ik-Soo, Chief Editor of The Environment News
09:30~10:10 Why Innovation is Important for Sustainability
By Toby Webb, Founder of Innovation Forum, UK
10:10~10:50 Innovation and Sustainability—From a Consumer’s Perspective

By Ignacio Gavilan, Director of Consumer Goods Forum (CGF)

10:50~11:05 Coffee Break
Kindly provided by ANTS COMMUNICATION
11:05~11:35 Innovation and Sustainability – the Korean Consumer’s Perspective
Professor Joung Soon-hee, Department of Consumer Studies, Ewha Womans University
11:35~12:15 Innovation in Packaging Technology
By Steve Davies, Former Industry Chair of The Plastics Industry Trade Association’s Bioplastics Council
12:15~13:20 Luncheon
13:30~14:10 Special Presentation: Green Marketing-
By Jacquelyn Ottman, Founder of J. Ottman Consulting, Inc.
14:10~14:30 Design and Life Cycle Assessment for Packaging
By Steve Duckworth, Managing Director of ERM Korea Ltd
14:30~14:45 Coffee Break
Kindly provided by ANTS COMMUNICATION
14:45~15:15 Packaging and Waste Management in Korea
Professor Park Su-il Department of Packaging, Yonsei University
15:15~16:00 Panel Discussion — Where to from here?
Moderator : Toby Webb
Steve Davies, Jacquelyn Ottman, Ignacio Gavilan, Joung Soon-hee, Park Su-il
* Kor-Eng Simultaneous Interpretation
* The program may be subject to change.
* Lunch will be served to participants who have registered for the conference.